Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Reason #8: He has never ceased being a Student

Most pastors pursue a degree from a religious organization of some kind when they are called to the ministry.  That is a very sound and reasonable path for some, but not our curious and creative pastor.

At first glance, you might think Mike Brady is a very simple man from a rural part of the country because of his Western Kentucky slang and twang.  As you get to know him, you learn that his depth of knowledge and understanding comes from his desire to be a student that learns from a master.

  • When Mike looks to study history, he looks to a professor or a book or a college or a veteran or a public servant.
  • When Mike looks to study God, he looks to God and to writers and speakers that inspire us to look to God in prayer.

A personal and prayerful relationship with the Father and a knowledge of history are a powerful combination.  We love that about our pastor.

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