Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Reason #4: He's less than six degrees of separation from any stranger

If you have ever traveled with our pastor, you know that no matter what state you are in, you will bump into someone that knows Mike Brady.

While traveling to any conference or retreat, you know that if you see a person with a Kentucky shirt, Mike can usually ask that person where he is from and have that "stranger" knowing someone who knows someone that was his best friend or relative in less than 5 minutes.

Kevin Bacon has got nothing on Mike Brady.

Mike Brady has truly never met a stranger because of this uncanny ability for him to remember someone that is related to some piece of everyone.   This again, is a gift of God, because he seems to keep losing his keys, his wallet, his clicker and his glasses in any given sermon.

As much as Mike emphasizes relationships at Tatesbrook, it is hard to describe how significant of an impact that relationships have had on the pastor we love.

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