Sunday, August 29, 2010

Mission Trips: the good, the bad, and the funny

Short-term mission trips: if you have ever been on one, are thinking about it, own a passport, will in the future, know a missionary and thus should consider going (that means you), you need to read a couple of articles linked below. They are great points about what is wrong with short-term trips and what is right. Future articles on the same site will discuss how trips are done well and why we should deem them important.

The Problems with Short-Term Trips

What is Right with Short-Term Trips

On a lighter note:

After you read those, head over to SCL for some good laughs as you realize this was you (and me; or all your friends if you didn't go but had to read their facebook updates) on your last mission trip:

Becoming an Expert After a 6-day Mission Trip

Facebooking Your Mission Trip

Friday, August 13, 2010

RSVP for Church Campout extended to August 15

Matt and Kim decided to extend the RSVP until Sunday, August 15. Please see the correction below, Kim had mistakenly requested the previous RSVP by August 9th.