Monday, June 29, 2009

Missional Living

Everything in me wants persuade you to remain vigilant in your decision to pursue Christ's plan for our community, to maintain the relationships with the children God developed during VBS, and to see Christ victorious through prayer, but I won't.  Instead, I will remind you of what true missional living is:  pursuing Christ with all your being.  Many members of our family have forgotten the true mission of our lives and replaced it with what should be it's fruit.

The common understanding of missional living is that of a missionary lifestyle; adopting the posture, thinking, behaviors, and practices of a missionary in order to engage others with the gospel message.  While this is good it's not what's best.  The most effective missionaries in God's arsenal have ALWAYS been people deeply committed to knowing Him and seeing His plan fulfilled.  You can't achieve one without the other.  You can try your dead level best to "win" the world for Christ, but what good is it if you're walking in two different directions!

Walking on water is great until your focus becomes that action, because that's when the power is lost.  The goal wasn't to walk on water, but to be with Christ.  Focus on Christ and you'll have your jaunt upon the water.  There is great power in being engaged with Jesus, so walk where He leads and overcome all obstacles; that's being missional.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Vacation Bible School

Our goal for Tuesday was to double the number of VBS kids from Monday. I think there were 50% more. If we can get 50% more again tonight and Thursday and Friday we will have a God sized problem to deal with.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Pictures from Africa

If you missed the service this Sunday, you missed the first report from Tanzania. A second report will be available soon. Here are some of the pictures from the first report.

Pictures are great for the website, but the lessons that they shared were largely about relationships and what is important.
  • One traveler confessed apathy in the great commission and great commandment.
  • One traveler recognized that they were on a daily tread mill.
  • One traveler realized that life is short and out of our control.

We all are very blessed to know these three travelers. I am eager to hear from the other three.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Kentucky Proud, Kentucky Loud

July 4th is less than a month away. Tim and Linda have miles to go before the party, but the show must go on!

Monday, June 8, 2009

The Truth About the Gospel

Have you ever heard something that had that ring of truth to it? Whatever it was that was said simply cut straight to the core of the matter and exposed it for what it really was. I’ve been hearing quite a bit of that recently about the gospel of Christ. So, with respect to decades of the traditional ways of presenting the gospel, I think there is a more accurate way to tell it.I have heard over and over again the gospel presented like this: 1) God made us because God is love. 2) We rebelled against God. 3) Jesus came and died on a cross so we would have a way back to God. 4) Now all we have to do is believe and we can be with God. I have problems with 3 and 4 because I have far too often heard them presented in such a way that it sounds like a deal is being made and if I accept it than the reward I get is an eternal life in heaven. This is horribly and utterly wrong. The truth is this: God didn’t make a way back to Him so that we could get to heaven, God made a way back to Him because He wants us back. Do you see the difference? The first implies that God would be just fine in heaven with or without you and the provision of the cross and resurrection of Jesus is entirely for your benefit for you to accept or reject as you see fit. Accept it, and you get to go to heaven. Reject it and you get to go to hell. But that isn’t why Jesus suffered and died on the cross. God wanted us back! Like a loving mother who will stop at nothing to get her child back God Himself endured the agonies of our punishment so that He could have us back. It isn’t about our comfort, it’s about His love. There’s only one reason to accept the truth of Jesus’ cross and resurrection and commit your life to Him, because He deserves those for whom He died. I’m getting so sick of hearing the gospel presented like it was commonplace, like it was some ordinary event between a buyer and a seller, “Do you want this deal or not?” IT ISN’T ABOUT US! There’s no deal here! There’s no contract! There’s no give and take! The only thing that is going on here is a loving and holy God had his own creation rebel against Him. Because He’s holy, our rebellion had to be punished; but because He is love, He didn’t want to just give up on us. So, rather than starting over and giving His love to someone else, He suffered the punishment for our rebellion so that He could continue to give His love to us. The only proper response to such an act is to humbly submit your entire life to Him because He is worthy; and He is worthy because He is God.I’ll retell the story of the Moravians as was told by Paris Reidhead in his sermon “Ten Shekels and a Shirt.” In the early 1800s two young Moravians heard about a slave owner who lived on his own little island in the Atlantic. He owned over 2000 slaves and vowed never to have a preacher come to his island because he didn’t want to hear about God, he was through with all that nonsense. The two Moravians therefore sold themselves in to slavery and then used that money to buy tickets to get to that island so they could share the love of God with those slaves and perhaps with the slave owner. The families of those men stood on the dock weeping and wondering if it was the right thing to do because they knew they would never see them again. As the boat was sailing away one of the men was heard to yell across the water, “May the Lamb that was slain receive the reward of His suffering!”This is the only reason for living. If we could just get it through our thick heads that the truth of what is happening all around us is not about eating and drinking, nor is it about what clothes to wear, nor about how many possessions we can own or how much money we can make- all of that is nonsense and will come and go. The truth is that all of us, the entire human race, has spat in the face of a holy and righteous God and we deserve to go to hell because of it. However; because He loves us more deeply than we could ever dream, He would rather go to hell on our behalf just so He could have us back. So, don’t ever tell me again the gospel is about me getting a free ticket to heaven or giving me access to the golden streets where all things are happy. If I have a role to play in this gospel it is only this: to sit and rest while He lavishly pours out His love all over me.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Flyer for VBS

Hey Y'all!  Click on the picture of the flyer and print to have copies to give out to your friends and family.  Thanks!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009