Monday, October 26, 2009

The Other Bob!

Hello Church!

So, my late nights of driving around Lexington for work have finally payed off in the form of.... ANOTHER BOB!!! That's right, I've found another Bob that knows the heart of God and teaches it. He has a talk radio show on 99.1 at 6:30 pm with a bunch of other Bob's called "People to People" and is the author of the unpopular book "Classic Christianity". His name is Bob George, and God has used him to bless me already. So take a few minutes and watch this short video of his teaching on our Identity in Christ. Grace & Peace!
Real Answers Real Life

In Classic Christianity, Bob shows us the way back to the life Jesus provided for us when He set us free from the bondage of the law, teaching us to live in the newness of life led by His Spirit. He answers vital questions such as:

  • What does it mean to have Christ living in me?
  • How can I experience the joy of the Lord daily?
  • If I'm a new creation, why do I still struggle with sin?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Women's Retreat Final updates!

Hey ladies
We're almost there!!! I'm so excited about our upcoming women's retreat. Thanks to all who signed up and made the sacrifice of your time to join the body this weekend. And thanks to the daddy's who are going to be single dads for a couple nights. We are the body of Christ and the body needs all it's parts to work!

Here's the final scoop:
- Dinner will be Friday from 6:00 - 7:00 pm and will signify the official start of the retreat. We have divided everyone up into cars see below for that information and be sure to get with your driver for more details!
- The retreat will be over Sunday by 11:30am.
- You do not need to bring bedding or towels. They will be provided by the retreat center.
- You DO need to bring a snack to share (ie chips, apples, granola bars) AND some canned soda/bottled water to share as well. Our meals are top notch, but snacks and caffiene were hard to come by.

If you have any questions while you are packing and getting ready, please call Dacian at 881-5160!

Here are the driving assignments: if you think you are signed up and you are not on this list... Call Dacian ASAP!!!!

Car 1: Dacian's car leaving at 2:30pm
Gayle T
Joe Joe H
Lisa B

Car 2: Jackie's car leaving at 4:30 pm
Brenda J
Tommie M
Robin P
Kelley T
Kim H (picking up in Frankfort?)

Car 3: Emily C driving Lisa's car leaving at 4:30 pm
Joje L
Amber M
Kresta W

Car 4: Carol's car leaving at ???
Emily D
Erin M
Michelle J
Cheryl Y
Melissa B
Patty B

Car 5: Ashlyn B coming up on Saturday AM

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Co-op sound bite!

Okay so I've been feeling led lately to share music that God has been using to minister to my heart. Today He lead me back to this awesome song by Hillsong UNITED. I know, I know, another Hillsong, but God has used their ministry lately to ignite my praise. The simplicity of the lyrics are both beautiful and powerful. Once again I have provided the lyrics listed below the video for those of you who are interested. God bless!

Song: "To know your name"
Artist: Hillsong UNITED

The precious blood of Jesus Christ redeems
Forgiven I'm alive restored set free
Your majesty resides inside of me
Forever I believe
Forever I believe
Arrested by Your truth and righteousness
Your grace has overwhelmed my brokenness
Convicted by Your spirit led by Your word
Your love will never fail
Your love will never fail

I know You gave
The word Your only Son for us
To know Your name
To live within the Saviour's love
He took my place
Knowing He'd be crucified
And You loved
You loved a people undeserving

Monday, October 19, 2009

SPICC American Samoa Update

Dear Church,

Thank you to all those who helped with school supplies for the SPICC school children who lost everything they had in the tsunami. Here is a message from our friend Debbie who is a teacher at the school:

"Words cannot express adequately our thanks to you for all the things that you've sent for the kids that have lost everything. We received your love gift today, and Moni & I went right to work; we packed a backpack per kid and evenly distributed the supplies and clothes so that when they come to school on Monday, we can just hand each one a backpack."

"We couldn't believe how much you sent. Your love for the Lord and our ministry here in Fatumafuti is moving ... I can barely put it together. Thank you so much!!! I'm sure Rev. Fa'atui & Mrs. Peta will want to write and thank you themselves, but I couldn't wait."

Thank you again and God bless you for your obedience.
The Westerfields

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Stop Dating the Church - Library Moment

Hey Gang!
This is a video of Joshua Harris speaking on commitment to the local church, very funny, a must listen!
We have this book in the co-op and we will be purchasing more to give away to new people at the beginning of next year.
I hope that you laugh and cry at the truth of this video!

Brother Joshua

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

More info on the Women's Retreat

Just to keep everyone on the same page:

- Retreat begins at 6:15 Friday night with Dinner at the Agape Wilderness Retreat in Bedford Ky. Visit www.agapewilderness for info. Dinner will stop being served by 7 PM and we will begin our opening teaching session.

What you will need to bring:
- Your Bible, a pen/highlighter, prayer journal
- Toiletries (linens and bedding will be provided) and personal items
- Slippers and comfie retreat clothes (yes, Dacian will be in her pajamas the entire weekend!)
- A bag of chips, cookies, fruit, candy, or etc to share
- A 12 pack of soda/bottled water to share (Caffiene and snacks were hard to come by last year)
- Games (there will be a big chunk of time on Saturday for hiking, napping or playing games & some free time each night)

Remember, it would be helpful if you would pay what you intend to pay by the 18th (but we believe in grace). Also, I MUST get the camp a final number ASAP so you'll need to sign up by the 18th after church.

Please contact Dacian if you have any questions 881-5160 /
Or Carol Davis, Jackie Eby, Gayle Thomas, Lisa Brady

The retreat will end by 11:30 AM on Sunday with our own worship service and check-out.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Friday, October 2, 2009

School Supplies - Aide for American Samoa

Dear Tatesbrook Family,

In 2000 I spent the summer working in American Samoa as a summer missionary. I worked with the Laolagi family who started the South Pacific International Christian Center, a Christian school for grades K-8. American Samoa has a deeply religious culture and a heavy Mormon influence. Through this school, young Samoan children are obtaining an advanced education and learning about relationship with Christ. I could go on and on about how God is working through this family to bring the LIGHT to a dark nation. However, as you know, there was a catastrophic earthquake and tsumani in Samoa and American Samoa this week.

I have been in touch with the Laolagi's and the school was spared any damage. That is a blessing. However, many of their students lived in villages around Pago Pago that were hit hard - some of these students have lost loved ones, all their earthly belongings, etc. I know this is short notice, but we would like to send some much needed help to SPICC in the form of school supplies that they can distribute to these children. This is a simple, inexpensive and practical way to share Christ for these children and their families.

If you would like to help, please bring in some school supplies on Sunday. Travis and I are leaving this week, so we need to get everything shipped out by Tuesday at the latest. I've requested a specific list from the Laolagi family of what supplies are needed, but I'm sure they would appreciate anything. There were about 30 students affected by the tsunami who are in the most need.

Some supplies to consider:

Pencil cases
Personal supplies (toothbrushes, toothpaste, etc.)

TALOFA (Thank you) so much for your help!

~Sarah Westerfield