Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Giving This Christmas

Hey Church Family!
Brother Kent wanted me to post this message for you!


Can you send this out to everyone in the church. I have been looking up just a few of the alternative ways to give this Christmas.

lifestraw.com - a straw that filters water and allows people to drink clean water. $3

Heifer International - you can buy goats, sheep, cows, and even baby chicks. $20-$500

Kiva.org - you can give a microloan to a entrepreneur in a developing country. $Any price

Compassion International - Support a child all year round for about $30-35. Food, education, clothing!!
Hope International
World Vision




Anonymous said...

The guy in the back left is sooo HOT!!!

Michael & Joe Joe said...

Hey Y'all!! Love these options. Just want to throw one more (perhaps less 'alternative') out: The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. Trust me, it does good stuff!