Wednesday, June 25, 2008


What a great time we had sharing the message of Jesus Christ with boys and girls in Brenda's "Backyard". Thanks to all the workers who helped this week. We had 16 workers from our body who helped in the effort, and more than 20 neighborhood kids and a few of our own who were touched by their efforts. A special thanks goes to Brenda Jones for opening her home and getting the area prepared for us to minister to the children. Robin Potter was such a blessing with the guitar, as was all the others who helped with crafts, refreshments, stories, and recreation. We are planning a follow up with these children later this summer so if you missed out on helping this week, you can get another chance later on.

I know a lot of you were disappointed that we did not have a VBS this summer. I hope that next year we can do so, but I believe with God calling us to win our community, we must continue to do BYBC's as well. We met many unchurched people this week, and I trust that we made an impact on their lives that will cause them to desire Jesus.

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