Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Silence is Golden


When conjuring images of past prolife movements I think of anything but silence. No, I picture the face of hate with it's screaming and judgmental eyes. I fear that too often that face has been my own. I love Christ and His creation and it hurts me to know that somewhere around
1 million baby's are murdered each year. So yes, I'm a "crazy" pro-lifer!

A lot of you stopped reading when I called them babies! What's interesting is that I feel bad or out of touch in a way for writing this note. This is not a welcomed or comfortable discussion. Many of my Church siblings HATE this topic and think that the prolife movement is a dead end. They may not like abortion but they also don't fight for what's right. The same is true in regard to poverty, aids, and all the other wonderful things we have in this imperfect world. However, the inverse is true as well, sometimes people fight too hard and in the wrong ways. This is especially true for the pro-life movement. Hell, by writing this note I feel lumped in with those crazy people.

As a Christ child I have grown to a deeper understanding of how to combat the enemy...Silence. I first noticed this with Martin Luther King Jr. and the black civil rights movement that he instructed. He Required participants of the civil rights movement to pledge themselves to a non-violent creed:
1. To resist without bitterness
2. To be cursed and not reply
3. To be beaten and not hit back

There is a new movement similar to this happening in regard to abortion. They call this the "silent siege". Groups are mobilizing and praying in silence with red tape over their mouths outside of supreme courts and capital hill. This red tape simply has the word "LIFE" written on it. The group only has one spokes person and prays at the steps all day. If you are ProLife and still believe God can change things check them out. Oh, and VOTE!!!


In 2002
1,082 violent assault
2,347 car accident
32,867 died from disease
1,310,000 died from Legal Abortions

Rape & Incest abortions count for less than 1% of all abortions.

1 comment:

The Westerfield Family said...

Are you sitting on the steps in Frankfort on April 26th?
