Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Prayer request from DonnaMarie

Hello church body! I just got off the phone with DonnaMarie and she has requested our prayers!
She has been having foot pain for over 4 years and it has been misdiagnosed as arthritis. Finally, a doctor has discovered that she has a flat foot disorder. He has prescribed her to be in a large boot cast one foot at a time until they can get the problem fixed. This means at least 1 year (6 months on each foot) and he has put her on bed rest. yes, this means for an entire year she has to stay off her feet at almost all times.She goes to the doctor Monday where he is going to check on her cast. Here’s is what she is requesting prayer for:
- Perseverance. She is stir -crazy not being able to do things for herself. She is tired of not being self-sufficient. She wants to be able to do her job instead of other people having to do it for her. Pray for grace to accept the help and the ability to gracefully be still.
- The pain has been exhausting for her. She has pain medicine but if she takes it, it prevents her from being able to drive. So she has to wait until she gets home from work. Then it wipes her out for the evening. Pray for her to find a way to make it through the pain.
DonnaMarie hasn’t been able to come to church. She can’t make it up the stairs and there is no hang railing on the ramp going up the front part of the church. I have told her to call me when she gets there and I will find 2 strapping young (or not so young) lads who can help her get into the church. So be prepared to help her Sunday AMs so she can come back to joining us in corporate worship on Sunday mornings. Also, as the Lord leads, contact DonnaMarie and see how you can help her! Even the little things can’t get done when you can’t get out and about!

THANKS!! Dacian Keaton

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